Anarchy(chaos)+Microchip = Happiness
“Chaos” is an interesting word in science, maybe ’cause is synonym of (according to thesaurus.com): anarchy, disorder, lawlessness, pandemonium, among others?. Aren’t those words that draw our attention? (Many movies are about creating disorder and the journey of some folk trying to restore order). Anyway, it’s been a while since the last post… my bad.
I found this article about microchips operating under chaotic conditions https://news.ncsu.edu/2016/09/kia-mooreslaw/
Like 99% of the time, I don’t understand the full operation. But the authors fabricated an integrated circuit that exploits the dynamical, non-linear behavior of the system (scientific paper here). It seems the circuit receives a combination of binary inputs, like 01, and the circuit shows a distinguishable response to it. The circuit is capable of identifying when the response is chaotic or stable periodic (if I understand correctly). I think the final goal would be developing circuits able of performing the function of many traditional transistors, exploiting complexity instead of miniaturization